PhD Studentships

  • DeadlineDeadline: TBA
  • All EnglandAll England


Our PhD studentship scheme aims to encourage the best students to become involved in hearing, deafness and tinnitus research in the UK.

The projects should bring tangible benefits closer for deaf people and those who have hearing loss or tinnitus.

One of the awards for the scheme, in the area of tinnitus research, will be jointly funded with the British Tinnitus Association. We also encourage applications for co-funded PhD studentships. This may be with the host institute or an external partner (for example, another funding body, charity or company).

Summary of grant
Deadline: The next call for applications will be launched in 2022.
Duration: Three years.
Eligibility: Students and supervisors must be based at a recognised UK university or research institute.
Value: £75,000 (outside of London) or £79,500 (London). Applications for partial funds will also be considered where the outstanding funds have/will be applied for from the host institute or an external source.

In the last round of funding, we received 20 eligible applications and awarded four studentship grants.

Application procedure
The call and guidelines, application form and application form guidance document will be added when the next call opens in 2022. Please note that applications must be submitted by the proposed supervisor.

Head office

RNID, Brightfield Business Hub, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6XU

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