Perry Foundation Scholarships

  • DeadlineDeadline: 31st October each year
  • All East Midlands, EnglandAll East Midlands, England


Post Graduate Student Funding

  • All Postgraduate student PhD projects must be in an agriculture related discipline including veterinary disciplines and be undertaken at a university, college or research institute in the United Kingdom.
  • Projects must be of definable benefit to UK agriculture
  • Perry Foundation Awards are a maximum of £12,000 for each year of the duration of the PhD project and normally for three or four years. Awards will only be offered when the university, college or research establishment has provided assurances that the necessary balance of funding to complete the full duration of the project will be made available.

Applications for post graduate funding should state clearly but briefly:

  1. The purpose of the PhD project for which funding is required.
  2. The expected outcomes/benefits that will arise from the ‘project’ in terms of both personal, if appropriate, and the Perry Foundation objectives.
  3. How the ‘project’ will be carried out.
  4. The key resource requirements (expertise and facilities).
  5. An outline budget (identifying as appropriate items such as: course fees, stipend/living/travel, materials, contribution to o/heads, staff costs, other costs e.g hire charges, specialist fees, laboratory charges) indicating the level of funding that has been obtained/applied for from other sources.
  6. The main risks.
  7. Other individuals/organisations involved as collaborators, funders etc.
  8. Details of the University or research institute..
  9. Details of the project supervisor.
  10. Details of the lead applicant who must be the student and their CV must be included.

The completed application form, plus CV and any covering letter, must be sent by email to the Perry Foundation Secretary Gordon Bennett

Click to download an Application Form in Word (doc) format.

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