
Craig J. Gregory – MSc Digital Architecture and Construction

Craig J. Gregory – United Kingdom

Why did you choose NTU again for your MSc and your course?

The course suited what I wanted to continue learning and improving in my own technical skills/knowledge within Digital Architecture. The skills that are being taught on this MSc course, are those which are at the forefront of larger companies out there.  Also, NTU’s ADBE department offered a syllabus that (in my opinion) other Universities did not and was very well balanced and thought out by the teaching staff.

Tell us about how you feel after winning the CIAT award for your final project.

Shocked and in total disbelief, it is still not quite sinking in…But it has honestly given me a massive confidence boost in my abilities, technical knowledge and my understanding into the design process for projects. I did put a lot of effort into my final year project, but I did not think it would be considered that highly within the CIAT’s judging panel, and to of won it jointly with Luke Williams was a bonus too.

Have you been involved in any live projects or industry placements on your course and if so, can you talk a bit about one you really enjoyed?

There have been several “live projects” on my undergrad course where we have had access to clients, sites and community-driven involvement that has directed the design processes. In addition to my “year out” on an Industrial Placement, that was unfortunately cut short due to the Covid Pandemic, before the first national lockdown. However, all of these events have taught me the skills, technical expertise and time management requirements for a successful project from planning to conception stages.

Does the “real” NTU match what you’d imagined? How does it compare with your friends’ experience at other universities?

My time at NTU has been really relaxed and chill, the University has a friendly atmosphere. The tutors are welcoming and push you to do your best work, they also maintain this same ethos as you progress forward throughout your degree. In some Universities, this is not present and the students are left to their own devices, sometimes with minimal support from their tutors or departments.

How would you promote NTU to potential students in 10 words or fewer?

Best decision I’ve made so far….No mishaps yet.

What’s next for you after NTU?

I’m looking towards either working within an international company that would allow me to continue working on projects with a sustainability ethos, both in the UK and abroad or possibly even emigrating permanently, the sunnier the climate the better. Time will tell…

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