
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Maintenance Engineering

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PGDip/PGCert September entry : 12 months FT, 24 months PT; January entry: 16 months FT, 24 months PT

Masters Degree Description

MSc Maintenance Engineering is suitable for engineers who have recently graduated as well as those with experience who are seeking to extend their knowledge, or update their qualifications with a view to promotion or other new position. The course aims to develop students’ knowledge in maintenance engineering, tribology, maintenance of complex systems and systems integration. This postgraduate award covers both technical and management aspects of maintenance engineering and forms a suitable basis for a career in a range of roles associated with maintenance engineering on mechanical plants, such as: asset management, plant maintenance and preventative maintenance.

Entry Requirements

MSc – A first or second class Honours Degree in an engineering or science subject, or a professional qualification or combination of qualifications and experience which demonstrate the knowledge and skills equivalent to first or second class honours degree standard in science or engineering. Applicants who do not obtain the appropriate level of Honours Degree for admission to the MSc course will be recommended to join the PGDip course (with possible transfer to MSc) if appropriate. If you have not studied recently you may need to undertake a Top-Up degree Entry programme first.

PGDip – A third class Honour Degree in an engineering or science subject or a professional qualification or combination of qualifications and appropriate experience which demonstrate the knowledge and skills equivalent to degree standard in science or engineering. Applicants who do not obtain the appropriate level of Honours Degree for admission to the PGDip course will be recommended to join the PGCert course (with possible transfer to PGDip) if appropriate. If you have not studied recently you may need to undertake a Top-Up degree Entry programme first.

PGCert – An honours or non-honours degree in an engineering or science subject or a professional qualification or combination of qualifications and appropriate experience which demonstrate the knowledge and skills equivalent to degree standard in science or engineering. Students that are seeking Chartered Engineering status without an honours degree may have to consider topping-up their current qualification with modules from the honours degree course. If you have not studied recently you may need to undertake a Top-Up degree Entry programme first.

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Student Destinations

On successful completion of this programme, students will be eligible to apply for progression to world-leading research degrees within the Jost Institute for Tribotechnology. You may find further information on research degrees.

Module Details

MSc Programme Structures
180 credits
  • Core module – Module 1
  • Compulsory modules – Modules 2-4
  • Optional modules – Choose two from Modules 5-8, PLUS ONE module from Module 9-10
MSc with Professional Placement
  • As above with an additional option (120 credits)
  • Optional module 11
MSc with Work Placement
  • As above with an additional option (60 credits)
  • Optional module 12
PGDip Programme Structures
120 credits
  • Compulsory modules – Modules 2-4
  • Optional modules – Choose two from Modules 5-8, PLUS ONE module from Modules 9-10
PGCert Programme Structures 
60 credits
  • Compulsory modules- Modules 3-4
  • Optional modules – Choose one from Modules 5-10

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