
MBA Global Master of Business Administration

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full-time, 16 months full-time (January intake)

Masters Degree Description

This MBA course has been designed around our commitment to the Common Good and the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). This distinctive MBA course is designed for enterprising and socially-minded individuals with aspirations to become professional managers with an instinct for creating sustainable businesses in a socially responsible manner.

This practical and applied course provides insight into the everyday challenges confronting leaders within a range of business and third-sector organisations across the globe. We emphasise the role, contribution and integration of the key business functions to enhance your ability to design and deliver effective organisation-wide strategies.

Dynamic and challenging, the MBA requires energetic participation. Like you, your peers will be ambitious, highly motivated and determined to succeed. We look forward to welcoming you onto the course and into our global alumni network of socially responsible leaders.

The Global MBA course addresses the global environmental changes and challenges with a socially responsible, research underpinned and innovative curriculum. All modules on the course are strongly underpinned by the UN PRME and Common Good principles and reinforce the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring that when you graduate, you are prepared appropriately for the global business environment, placing emphasis on responsible leadership, ethics and sustainability.

Entry Requirements

UK honours degree 2:2 (or equivalent) in any subject area. A postgraduate degree, diploma or professional qualification from a recognised institution.

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Please see our website for fee information

Programme Funding

We provide high-quality education for a fair price; as the University for the Common Good, we are committed to offering accessible higher education for talented students by keeping our tuition fees low and providing a generous scholarship package of over £2.5 million per year.

View our Postgraduate scholarships.


Module Details

Core modules

Responsible leadership skills in international contexts; Corporate social responsibility for sustainable development; Marketing and brand management; Strategic management; Financial and business data analysis; Methods for business research and consultancy; MBA project

Elective modules

Social innovation solutions; Leading responsible change; Project management; Crisis and operational resilience; Global supply chain management; Consumer behaviour and ethical consumption; Sustainable operations management; Global perspectives on risk; Applied social marketing; International trade and the WTO.

Global MBA (Distance Learning)

The Distance Learning (DL) Global MBA is delivered fully online, allowing you the flexibility to study at your own pace and time. The DL delivery offers flexibility in regards to the number of modules you can take in one trimester, however, two modules per trimester is recommended for part time study, and the MBA Project in the final trimester.

There are no elective modules offered for the DL delivery; instead, two electives have been embedded as core module: Crisis and operational resilience; Global perspectives on risk.

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