  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA: 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This is a unique, visionary and pioneering programme offering professional training in Dance & Somatic Movement Education. On the cutting edge of contemporary international practice, exploring the creative skills required to use movement with sensitivity, imagination and individuality, the course focuses on community facilitation. It offers the opportunity to study individual and group improvisation, kinaesthetic awareness and applied somatics philosophy to dance and movement studies. All sessions are taught in the spirit of self-discovery, non-judgement and reflection. The course develops somatic awareness with a focus on spontaneity, intuition and connection to others.


The MA Dance & Somatic Well-being course is taught on campus in Preston and has another section of the course taught in New York City, in the USA.

Entry Requirements

Students would be expected to have achieved a good lower second in a related area of practical study at BA (Hons) level. In exceptional circumstances and after audition/ interview, a place may be offered if it is felt that a candidate can evidence examples of meeting those learning outcomes through experiential learning.

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Student Destinations

On completion of the course it is envisaged that students will go on to work as independent artists-scholars who are able to work within a number of different body / movement and arts-based contexts. This may be through enhancing their current jobs with the additional embodiment and inter-relational skills developed throughout the programme. It may also be as freelance Somatic Movement practitioner/Educator once additional professional hours have been gained (please visit the ISMETA website for guidelines towards this

There is also the opportunity to pursue further study up to and including PhD.

Module Details

Year 1 
  • Presence and reflection
  • Movement, connection and support
  • Movement, ground and bones
  • Movement and fluidity
  • Research 1: Contexts and histories
Year 2 
  • Embodied spirituality and the sacred dimensions of practice
  • Somatic movement education and co-creation with clients
  • Research 2: Methods and design
Modules taught in New York City will be delivered in a slightly different order.

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